Saturday, April 9, 2011

Character Profile: Anna

Name of player (you): Wolfgrrrl

Name of character: Anika (Anna for short) N. Lang

Race(Chosen, one of the Retter, or just plain human): Human

Age: 18

Appearance: Average height 5’7, pale skin, bright blue eyes, and dark brown hair

Clothing: She loves a lot of color in her clothing but otherwise pretty much anything

Power(s), Weapon(s){if any}: None

Personality: Kind of shy at times, kind, trustworthy, clumsy, creative, and a little strange

Occupation (if any): She volunteers at the animal shelter after school and babysits every other weekend

Parents, family, special friends: She lives with her dad but she goes to visit her mom at the mental institution. She doesn’t have any friends unless you count her fish

Home: Anywhere where books are

Animal(s): her dad is allergic to fur so she only has a clown fish

Summary of background: Anna’s has always lived in one place all her life but she likes it that way. She’s not popular but she’s not a nerd either…she’s kind of the weird girl that people stay away from. Her favorite subjects are English and Art since those are the classes where she feels most relaxed. Her mom became mentally ill two years ago when someone broke into their house. No one knows what happened but her mother…changed after that; saying that something was after her and freaking out and jumping at very little thing. Plus the fact that she tried to choke her husband for reasons unknown. Even though people try to stay away from Anna because of her “weirdness” the cheerleaders make fun and bully her a lot during and after school, but she just lets them push her around and just shrugs it off afterword like nothing happened.



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